Link Samahan Herbal Tea Pack of 10 Tea Bags (10 Sachets) Ayurvedic Herbal drink, 100% Natural, Premium Quality
1. What is the Samahan Herbal Tea
Samahan Tea is a herbal product that's been used for centuries to maintain good health. It's made from 14 carefully selected Ayurvedic herbs that are water-soluble and concentrated. Why not give it a try? It can help you recover from symptoms such as cough, fever, runny nose, and body aches associated with catching a cold.
2. What are the benefits of Samahan herbal tea?
"Say goodbye to the pesky symptoms of the common cold with Samahan! This little magic powder helps ease coughs, headaches, body aches and all other issues that come with a cold. Its natural ingredients offer quick relief by reducing pain, fever and inflammation. Samahan even helps with expectoration, making it easier to breathe and feel better - just what you need when you're under the weather!"
3. Ingredients (Herbals)
Adhatoda vasica Nees. (Acanthaceae),Alpinia galanga Willd. (Zingiberaceae),Carum copticum Benth & Hook. (Apiaceae),Coriandrum sativum Linn. (Apiaceae),Coscinium fenestratum (Gaertn.) Colebr. (Menispermaceae),Cuminum cyminum Linn. (Apiaceae),Evolvulus alsinoides Linn. (Convolvulaceae),Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn. (Fabaceae),Hedyotis herbaceae (Linn.) Lam. (Rubiaceae),Piper longum Linn. (Piperaceae),Piper nigrum Linn. (Piperaceae),Premna herbacea Roxb. (Verbenaceae),Solanum xanthocarpum Schrade. & Wendl. (Solanaceae),Zingiber officinale Roscoe. (Zingiberaceae)
- Samahan Herbal Tea Pack of 10 Sachets, manufactured by Link Natural products Ceylon and sales/distributed in United Kingdom by Ceylon Cinnamons Limited, Free Delivery in UK, Money Back Guarantee
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