Ceylon Cinnamon - Uses, Side Effects, and More


Ceylon cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) is a specially delicious type of cinnamon that comes from the bark of an evergreen tree. Sri Lanka is where around 80% of the world's supply comes from - so it definitely has a special place in many recipes!

Many folks believe that the oils in Ceylon cinnamon have the potential to lessen spasms, ease gas, and fight bacteria and fungi. Plus, there might even be compounds that have a similar effect to insulin to help lower your blood sugar levels. Of course, these potential effects are thought to be relatively mild.

Many people use Ceylon cinnamon to treat or alleviate issues like diabetes, indigestion, diarrhea, obesity, and beyond.

When shopping for cinnamon, make sure you don't get the wrong kind! Ceylon cinnamon is quite different from other types, including Cassia cinnamon, Padang cassia, Indian cassia, and Saigon cinnamon, so be sure to double-check before buying.

Special Precautions and Warnings

Ceylon cinnamon is an excellent addition to any food. It can also be used medicinally in small doses of up to 0.5-3 grams per day and has been seen to be safe when used this way. If you're thinking of using Ceylon cinnamon in larger amounts or for extended periods of time, though, be sure to check with your doctor first, as there is currently limited data to back up its safety.

Pregnancy: For added safety, we recommend sticking to amounts of Ceylon cinnamon found in food during pregnancy. Taking it in larger amounts could put you and your baby at risk, so play it safe and just stick to food amounts.

Breastfeeding: There's not enough reliable information to know whether taking Ceylon cinnamon in larger amounts is safe for you or your baby while breastfeeding, so it's better to be safe than sorry and just stick to amounts found in food.
Surgery: To avoid any risks to your blood pressure or sugar levels before or during surgery, we suggest stopping the use of Ceylon cinnamon at least two weeks before your operation.

Are you interested in learning how to use Ceylon cinnamon for your specific condition? It's often taken orally in doses of 3 grams per day for adults, but can also be found in nasal sprays and mouthwashes. Talk to your healthcare provider to determine what the best product and dose is for you.

 According to user reviews for Ceylon Cinnamon

I take metformin as the medication. It does keep my sugar down but by me taking the Ceylon Cinnamon, it keeps it at normal levels.

Also taking this supplement helps with heavy menstrual flow. Has decreased the flow significantly.